Seele HD Wallet Specification

Title: Seele HD Wallet Specification
Author: Tinoma
Created: 2020-01-15


For compatibility between HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) Wallets that follows the BIP44 schema, this document aims to specify the rules of address discovery for supporting Seele.


  • Specification:

  • Example:

    mnemonic: "hurdle broccoli blast rug mixed expire soldier able maze heavy jeans equip"
// According to the specification above,
// among the addresses discovered as shown below:
// address[1] is chosen for shard 1
// address[3] is chosen for shard 2
// address[2] is chosen for shard 3
// address[0] is chosen for shard 4
  • JS pseudo code:

const bip32               = require('bip32');
const bip39               = require('bip39');
const bip44               = require('bip44');
// return seele address from privateKey
function addressOfprivateKey(privateKey){...}
// return seele shard from address
function shardOfAddress(address){...}
function accountFromWord(word){
  var seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(word).toString('hex')
  return accountFromSeed(seed)

function accountFromSeed(seed){
  var seedbuf = Buffer.from(seed, 'hex')
  var rootobj = bip32.fromSeed(seedbuf)
  var account = []
  for ( var shard = 1 ; shard <= 4 ; shard++ ){
    var addr = { p: null, a: null, s:null }
    var i = 0
    while( addr.s != shard ){
      addr.i = i
      addr.p = '0x' + rootobj.derivePath(`m/44'/${bip44.SEELE.index}'/0'/0/${i}`).privateKey.toString('hex')
      addr.a = addressOfprivateKey(addr.p)
      addr.s = shardOfAddress(addr.a)
  return account
const mnemonic  = "hurdle broccoli blast rug mixed expire soldier able maze heavy jeans equip"
const account   = accountFromWord(mnemonic)
// expects
// [
//   {
//     s: 1,
//     p: '0x6f713371e6d5d513fe66b9f6f5974aec46c0a9a5fdd49d24b48128519e6efb1e',
//     a: '0x5fc511565316e45e84f3383722a597a01aa80d01',
//     i: 1
//   },
//   {
//     s: 2,
//     p: '0xa457b3adedecddacfa1b08f97a6ed8e25b5ed4b1a9692d725c5ed87bd80e36a1',
//     a: '0xac5d5a1fc5ebbea4f2044b33be0587deb333c771',
//     i: 3
//   },
//   {
//     s: 3,
//     p: '0x19350808989722ee84dda5fe20686ca8af5cf7671e5193d3e0cddf039901a3da',
//     a: '0x14130ff8b350230ca326fd468ae8b413efb55891',
//     i: 2
//   },
//   {
//     s: 4,
//     p: '0xb168d0823a616d111ba4abf4c27bb9331d3326dedde270d9b0bc77b767c6744e',
//     a: '0x05df8b2bf801195092f218dde48c8d41ff280091',
//     i: 0
//   }
// ]


  • EIP601 Ethereum hierarchy for deterministic wallets

  • BIP44 Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets

  • BIP43 Purpose Field for Deterministic Wallets

  • BIP39 Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys

  • BIP32 Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets

Last updated